Phosphate, total, TNT, 1.0 - 100 mg/L PO₄

Phosphate, total, TNT, 1.0 - 100 mg/L PO₄
Product #: 2767245
Unit Price Contact Hach


Description: Phosphate, total,TNT Reagent set, HR
Digestion required: Yes
Instrument: See Methods/Procedures for instruments compatible with this product
Measuring range: 1.0 - 100 mg/L PO₄
Method: Molybdovanadate with Acid Persulfate Digestion
Method number: 10127
Number of tests: 25 - 50
Parameter: Phosphate, total
  Total Phosphorous
Platform: Test 'N Tube
Special remarks: Set contains: Cuvette test tubes, Potassiumpersulfate Powder Pillows (2084766), Molybdovanadate Reagent (2076026), Sodiumhydroxide solution 1.54 N (2743042), Sulfuric acid solution 1.37 N (2742900)
Storage conditions: 10 °C - 25 °C