Ganimede Sample Changer for Automatic Laboratory Analyser, with 53 Position Sample Tray

Product #: LQV134.99.20000
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Sample Changer with sample tray for 53 x 15 mL. For Ganimede serial laboratory analysis system.

The Ganimede system consists of three components: the sample changer, the control unit and the analysis units. The analysis unit with integrated digestion is optionally available for the determination of ortho and total phosphate or for the determination of total nitrogen (TNb). The compact system makes it possible to work flexibly at different measuring stations. The cordless control unit communicates with one or both analysis units. Sample data is acquired via the barcode scanner or a PC and processed by the control unit.

The integrated high temperature digester, with fast cooling feature, delivers precise and quick results. Even complex phosphate or nitrogen compounds are completely digested and processed in four to seven minutes; analogous to ISO 6878:2004 (phosphate) or ISO 11905-1 (nitrogen).

High quality, easy to handle Ganichem reagents can be used for up to 100 determinations. Used reagents are safely and conveniently disposed of by Hach.

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